Thursday, November 29, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
We Get That Y'all Think WE'RE The Clueless Ones, But Um, As If...
If I didn't know any better I'd say everything feminism is now is *gasp* kinda misogynistic. Actually I do know better, and it's all a total crock.
Show me this modern guy who wants a full quiver of kids to carry on his family name and help him plow his fields, and I'll show you a chick who still vacuums in high heels and pearls. That dude just doesn't exist anymore. We love things more than people these days, and bottom line, kids cost too much.
Kid's=less money for things+they ruin everything nice, thus Pregnant+Barefoot (2012)=no bueno.
See, the modern misogynist wants commitment free sex and free abortion on demand. THAT is how he will be able to exploit a woman's mind, body, and soul and keep her in true bondage for the rest of her life. Because when you trick a woman into "fighting for her right" to go against her instinct and kill her unborn child, then tell her it was just a clump of cells, so if she feels devastated by this then she's crazy and un-liberated and setting women back, you have truly oppressed her.
If anything will make us stronger it will be acknowledging SCIENCE (not that big, scary word again) and accepting the fact that our bodies release Oxytocin every time we slap happies. It's not fair, but science, ya know?And Oxytocin's the same chemical released during childbirth and every time we nurse our babies, so that we will bond to them and not leave them in dumpsters and stuff. I get that it's so unfeminist to admit commitment free sex and abortion aren't empowering to us, but I'll go with biology on this one, since it's been around a whole heck of a lot longer.
Show me this modern guy who wants a full quiver of kids to carry on his family name and help him plow his fields, and I'll show you a chick who still vacuums in high heels and pearls. That dude just doesn't exist anymore. We love things more than people these days, and bottom line, kids cost too much.
Kid's=less money for things+they ruin everything nice, thus Pregnant+Barefoot (2012)=no bueno.
See, the modern misogynist wants commitment free sex and free abortion on demand. THAT is how he will be able to exploit a woman's mind, body, and soul and keep her in true bondage for the rest of her life. Because when you trick a woman into "fighting for her right" to go against her instinct and kill her unborn child, then tell her it was just a clump of cells, so if she feels devastated by this then she's crazy and un-liberated and setting women back, you have truly oppressed her.
If anything will make us stronger it will be acknowledging SCIENCE (not that big, scary word again) and accepting the fact that our bodies release Oxytocin every time we slap happies. It's not fair, but science, ya know?And Oxytocin's the same chemical released during childbirth and every time we nurse our babies, so that we will bond to them and not leave them in dumpsters and stuff. I get that it's so unfeminist to admit commitment free sex and abortion aren't empowering to us, but I'll go with biology on this one, since it's been around a whole heck of a lot longer.
So in conclusion, mainstream feminists should be pissed at science, and not us.
Post by Destiny
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Ain't no shame in my game...
This line of thinking is a sellout to porn addicted men and corporate marketing machines. It's proven to leave women in poverty, abusive relationships, addiction and poor mental health. Is that the freedom that we're after or do we want to help young women be healthy and strong? We're missing the human heart and buying into exactly what the male dominated corporate culture wants us to...
The follow up....
The follow up....
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Abortion in Cases of Rape
Abortion in Cases of Rape from Destiny Herndon-DeLaRosa on Vimeo.
A lot of things in this video might offend you, but the thing that should absolutely offend you the most is that fact that I say "feminist tingles." I dunno, dude. It was early. I have no excuse. That was not OK.
Click here for the iPhone friendly YouTube Version.
Monday, July 23, 2012
I was away at a literary conference all weekend, so when the story broke about Aurora, Colorado shooting Friday I could only get tidbits here and there between my sessions. My heart was breaking for the people there, the pointless destruction, and the taking of lives.
However, today someone sent me an interesting story that I had not previously seen (I apologize if it's been all over the news for the last 72 hours and I just missed it). The story inside the story in this couples interview is what got me. They have two children together and basically the boyfriend/baby daddy/father abandons his girlfriend and kids in order to save himself.
I am not necessarily saying it's what happened in this case, but.... has anyone else noticed an influx in women who have been so beat down and deceived by the "all women just want to trap you and marry you" cliché that now we allow men to actually trap us?
For instance this woman has had not one, but two of this man's children. He did not marry her. I can only imagine that it had something to do with him "not being ready" or some other equally as lame excuse but as I stated above that's pure speculation. However, no matter how she files on her taxes, she will never truly be "single" ever again. As soon as a woman has a child, she might as well be married because she is now part of a unit, an inseparable package deal for any future suitors. That's not true for men though. They can have 15 kids by 15 different women and still someone, somewhere will offer to make it 16.
Society as a whole has come to expect so much less from men. Is it because of the feminist movement? I don't know, but I often wonder. Every time they turn around we're flexing our muscles declaring how we can do it all alone, so there is no longer that sense of guilt that a 1950's deadbeat dad might have felt. Society no longer shames him in the way it once did. Because after all, we're just a bunch of marriage-starved baby-makers looking to cure our fetus fever.
But back to the original point of this post. The man below was not willing to commit to the woman who lovingly sacrificed her freedom for him, so why are we surprised when he will not sacrifice his life for her or his children when he's suddenly the one trapped?
No, the only thing that surprised me about all of this is that after fleeing the theater to save himself, and allowing a 19-year-old stranger to protect his girlfriend and kids, he actually had the balls to go in and finally propose to her. Oh, and then that she said "yes." C'mon girl.... fo' real?
However, today someone sent me an interesting story that I had not previously seen (I apologize if it's been all over the news for the last 72 hours and I just missed it). The story inside the story in this couples interview is what got me. They have two children together and basically the boyfriend/baby daddy/father abandons his girlfriend and kids in order to save himself.
I am not necessarily saying it's what happened in this case, but.... has anyone else noticed an influx in women who have been so beat down and deceived by the "all women just want to trap you and marry you" cliché that now we allow men to actually trap us?
For instance this woman has had not one, but two of this man's children. He did not marry her. I can only imagine that it had something to do with him "not being ready" or some other equally as lame excuse but as I stated above that's pure speculation. However, no matter how she files on her taxes, she will never truly be "single" ever again. As soon as a woman has a child, she might as well be married because she is now part of a unit, an inseparable package deal for any future suitors. That's not true for men though. They can have 15 kids by 15 different women and still someone, somewhere will offer to make it 16.
Society as a whole has come to expect so much less from men. Is it because of the feminist movement? I don't know, but I often wonder. Every time they turn around we're flexing our muscles declaring how we can do it all alone, so there is no longer that sense of guilt that a 1950's deadbeat dad might have felt. Society no longer shames him in the way it once did. Because after all, we're just a bunch of marriage-starved baby-makers looking to cure our fetus fever.
But back to the original point of this post. The man below was not willing to commit to the woman who lovingly sacrificed her freedom for him, so why are we surprised when he will not sacrifice his life for her or his children when he's suddenly the one trapped?
No, the only thing that surprised me about all of this is that after fleeing the theater to save himself, and allowing a 19-year-old stranger to protect his girlfriend and kids, he actually had the balls to go in and finally propose to her. Oh, and then that she said "yes." C'mon girl.... fo' real?
Post by Destiny
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Turning the Tables on Pornography
Disclaimer, disclaimer, blah, blah, disclaimer...
Girls Will Be Girls....(NSFW...or kids) from Destiny Herndon-DeLaRosa on Vimeo.
(Side Note: Let me just clarify, the only reason this "gift" was not immediately thrown out was b/c I didn't quite know how to properly dispose of such a thing. I figured with my luck if I just tossed it in the trash a band of raccoons would likely uncovered it and it'd be rolling down my alley the next morning for all the neighbors to see. So, long and very uninteresting story short, I threw it up on the top of a shelf in a closet and forgot about it for seven years....until I realized how much said "prop" could really help drive my point home here. Geez, did I throw in enough double entendres for ya? yikes.)
Girls Will Be Girls....(NSFW...or kids) from Destiny Herndon-DeLaRosa on Vimeo.
(Side Note: Let me just clarify, the only reason this "gift" was not immediately thrown out was b/c I didn't quite know how to properly dispose of such a thing. I figured with my luck if I just tossed it in the trash a band of raccoons would likely uncovered it and it'd be rolling down my alley the next morning for all the neighbors to see. So, long and very uninteresting story short, I threw it up on the top of a shelf in a closet and forgot about it for seven years....until I realized how much said "prop" could really help drive my point home here. Geez, did I throw in enough double entendres for ya? yikes.)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I mean, they already get a whopping $305.3 million from our federal government annually (a.k.a. tax payers), so they're hardly a shabby little charity. But on top of that, the community must really love and support them to be donating an additional $212.2 million a year, right?
I guess I always just assumed those donations came from the fanatical, old fauxminists at their ritzy luncheon fundraisers, but as it turns out, that's not the case at all.
A dear friend of mine was telling me how when she found out she was pregnant with her son she had to go and get an official 'Proof of Pregnancy' document before she was able to apply for Medicaid... and SURPRISE, SURPRISE, PP wasn't giving out any freebies. They told her over the phone when she scheduled her appointment to make sure she brought $40 in cash with her to the clinic.
After she was seen and received her proof of pregnancy form she went up to the counter to "check out." The woman at the front desk proceeded to run down a very long list of services, tallying them up as she went, then telling her how today's appointment should cost her a couple hundred dollars. The blood left her face and of course she began to panic, "BUT WAIT!" the woman said, "you qualify for quite a few grants, lucky girl!" All of them of course come from the $305.3 PP gets from you and me, however, I doubt she informer her of that. After all was said and done, her total was a manageable twelve dollars. Then just as my friend began to regain her bearings and reach into her pocket for the money, the woman asks if she would like to make a donation to Planned Parenthood today...
Now she knows that the woman knows she has $40 in cash on her, and she also knows that thanks to PP's "generosity" she just saved a boatload on the services she received, so how could she not make a donation?
The nerve.
By their own definition they are a NOT-FOR-PROFIT medical facility there to reach out to poor, and un(der)insured women!
Would a food pantry ever ring up all of your items, tell you how much you should be paying, then ask you for a donation on your way out the door? I don't think so. And why is that? Because it's manipulative, and they are true non-profits... not big sleazy businesses like Planned Parenthood.
Women, especially those of us on a budget and with less than desirable health coverage (or none at all), deserve better than this. However, right now America's largest abortion providers runs a monopoly on well woman care. We must ask ourselves, why are we being sent to abortion clinics for our healthcare? Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but the answer seems pretty obvious to me.
The quickest way to eradicate poverty in the federal government's eyes is to kill poor people before they're even born.
Post by Destiny
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Irony of "Life Threatening" Ailments...
As a mother of four I am constantly worried about my children. I have two boys and two girls, and with each of them comes a unique set of worries.
My oldest son for instance has terrible asthma. Cold weather always exacerbates this issue and at times his inhaler is a real life saver. It's so scary to watch his face as he gasps for air, hoping relief will come soon. He was born with this ailment and often the medication used to treat it is very pricey, costing upwards of $80 a pop. Because we're a family on a budget sometimes sacrifices must be made to get him the treatments he requires. But of course we make those sacrifices.
And well, my daughters I'm embarrassed to say, both have a condition called "Vagina." I myself suffer from Vagina, and used to worry that I had passed it on to them, although most medical professionals will refute that myth. But from what I hear (on it is life threatening as well. See, Vagina is a serious disease that plagues 99.9% of all women... I threw in that decimal just to be safe. And because we were all born with this preexisting condition we are increasingly susceptible to a secondary disease called Heterosexual Coitus- commonly know as Sex. Sex frequently happens to Vagina sufferers, although it is not always fatal. However, a majority of the time it is elective. Heterosexual Coitus is usually something that those living with Vagina choose to contract unlike other ailments such as (the aforementioned) asthma, or cancer, or diabetes. Yet, due to increased pressure from extremist groups throughout (read as: a group of chicks in a basement... and Bill Maher) the federal government is planning on forcing insurance companies to cover the cost of birth control pills for women with Vagina.
Now as someone who herself lives with this condition, you might be surprised to hear that I do not support this mandate. Because the bottom line is that my son can't choose 'not to have asthma.' No, chronic inflammatory disease TRULY threatens his life, and honestly, I find it offensive that his medication is viewed as "optional" whereas chemical contraceptives are being considered a necessity by our federal government. They argue that "poor women cannot always afford birth control pills." Well, what about poor children with respiratory problems? Why won't the federal government force insurance companies to pay for their medication which is much, much pricier? What makes population control, er, I mean, contraception a priority? Never mind. I think I just answered my own question.

Post by Destiny
My oldest son for instance has terrible asthma. Cold weather always exacerbates this issue and at times his inhaler is a real life saver. It's so scary to watch his face as he gasps for air, hoping relief will come soon. He was born with this ailment and often the medication used to treat it is very pricey, costing upwards of $80 a pop. Because we're a family on a budget sometimes sacrifices must be made to get him the treatments he requires. But of course we make those sacrifices.
And well, my daughters I'm embarrassed to say, both have a condition called "Vagina." I myself suffer from Vagina, and used to worry that I had passed it on to them, although most medical professionals will refute that myth. But from what I hear (on it is life threatening as well. See, Vagina is a serious disease that plagues 99.9% of all women... I threw in that decimal just to be safe. And because we were all born with this preexisting condition we are increasingly susceptible to a secondary disease called Heterosexual Coitus- commonly know as Sex. Sex frequently happens to Vagina sufferers, although it is not always fatal. However, a majority of the time it is elective. Heterosexual Coitus is usually something that those living with Vagina choose to contract unlike other ailments such as (the aforementioned) asthma, or cancer, or diabetes. Yet, due to increased pressure from extremist groups throughout (read as: a group of chicks in a basement... and Bill Maher) the federal government is planning on forcing insurance companies to cover the cost of birth control pills for women with Vagina.
Now as someone who herself lives with this condition, you might be surprised to hear that I do not support this mandate. Because the bottom line is that my son can't choose 'not to have asthma.' No, chronic inflammatory disease TRULY threatens his life, and honestly, I find it offensive that his medication is viewed as "optional" whereas chemical contraceptives are being considered a necessity by our federal government. They argue that "poor women cannot always afford birth control pills." Well, what about poor children with respiratory problems? Why won't the federal government force insurance companies to pay for their medication which is much, much pricier? What makes population control, er, I mean, contraception a priority? Never mind. I think I just answered my own question.

Post by Destiny
Thursday, February 2, 2012
You just totally want to hear more about this whole SGK/PP thing, I can tell...
So..... I was uninsured for 4 years. Not because my husband and I didn't work, but because he worked hard, but for a small company with no benefits, and because I worked (hard) as a stay at home mom.
During that time I discovered an abnormality in my lady parts. I was convinced I had cervical cancer, but seeing as I had no insurance it would have been a luxury to verify my findings.
In this day and age, that was just insane to me. But going to an ER would've meant thousands of dollars of debt for my family and going to a OB would've amounted to about the same. I felt as though I had no other choice but to go to Planned Parenthood.
I imagine this is how many women feel.
However, when I considered the prospect of that, this is what I figured... the doctors at Planned Parenthood, the surgical ones at least which would've been the ones checking me out, were more than likely the same ones who provided abortions. So in turn, they were abortionists. And because I am strongly against abortion, in my opinion they were murderers. They stopped human life.
Now I don't know what others think of them... I'm sure many consider them heroes and wonderful people, but since I considered them murderers and nothing was going to change that, I was going to have to let someone who ended human lives put their hands on my body. Honestly, I could not see myself being able to remain composed enough for an exam, let alone any other type of procedure following that.
I know many people will think this is ridiculous, but it is what it is. For me, Planned Parenthood simply wasn't an option.... even though it was my only option.
And I hate that. I hate that PP was my only option. There's nothing pro-choice about having no choice at all when it comes to my health care. But that's precisely the way I felt.
As for the SGK issue, PP only offers manual breast exams NOT mammograms. Let's all go ahead and acknowledge that fact right up front. As far as I can tell, only ONE of their Texas offices (in Waco) even has the actual equipment required to provide thorough screenings.
So honestly, this has nothing to do with abortion or any of the other services they offer, it has to do with breast cancer screenings, and they fact that PP is not doing enough to adequately provide them.
Susan G. Komen stated as much just yesterday in a statement on their facebook page-
"At Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the women we serve are our highest priority in everything we do. Last year, we invested $93 million in community health programs, which included 700,000 mammograms. Additionally, we began an initiative to further strengthen our grants program to be even more outcomes-driven and to allow for even greater investments in programs that directly serve women. We also implemented more stringent eligibility and performance criteria to support these strategies. While it is regrettable when changes in priorities and policies affect any of our grantees, such as a longstanding partner like Planned Parenthood, we must continue to evolve to best meet the needs of the women we serve and most fully advance our mission."
This is a good thing. I promise. Women will benefit from these changes. Perhaps we will start getting a higher caliber of care, AND actually have a choice as to who provides it.
If we'd all inform ourselves more I think that fact would become even clearer. Women deserve better....and this provides us with much better choices in the long run. We have to stop letting Planned Parenthood monopolize our health care. We deserve options. This is ultimately the most pro-choice thing for women.
{UPDATE: Scratch that. Looks like we'll still have no choice. #komenforthecave}
During that time I discovered an abnormality in my lady parts. I was convinced I had cervical cancer, but seeing as I had no insurance it would have been a luxury to verify my findings.
In this day and age, that was just insane to me. But going to an ER would've meant thousands of dollars of debt for my family and going to a OB would've amounted to about the same. I felt as though I had no other choice but to go to Planned Parenthood.
I imagine this is how many women feel.
However, when I considered the prospect of that, this is what I figured... the doctors at Planned Parenthood, the surgical ones at least which would've been the ones checking me out, were more than likely the same ones who provided abortions. So in turn, they were abortionists. And because I am strongly against abortion, in my opinion they were murderers. They stopped human life.
Now I don't know what others think of them... I'm sure many consider them heroes and wonderful people, but since I considered them murderers and nothing was going to change that, I was going to have to let someone who ended human lives put their hands on my body. Honestly, I could not see myself being able to remain composed enough for an exam, let alone any other type of procedure following that.
I know many people will think this is ridiculous, but it is what it is. For me, Planned Parenthood simply wasn't an option.... even though it was my only option.
And I hate that. I hate that PP was my only option. There's nothing pro-choice about having no choice at all when it comes to my health care. But that's precisely the way I felt.
As for the SGK issue, PP only offers manual breast exams NOT mammograms. Let's all go ahead and acknowledge that fact right up front. As far as I can tell, only ONE of their Texas offices (in Waco) even has the actual equipment required to provide thorough screenings.
So honestly, this has nothing to do with abortion or any of the other services they offer, it has to do with breast cancer screenings, and they fact that PP is not doing enough to adequately provide them.
Susan G. Komen stated as much just yesterday in a statement on their facebook page-

This is a good thing. I promise. Women will benefit from these changes. Perhaps we will start getting a higher caliber of care, AND actually have a choice as to who provides it.
If we'd all inform ourselves more I think that fact would become even clearer. Women deserve better....and this provides us with much better choices in the long run. We have to stop letting Planned Parenthood monopolize our health care. We deserve options. This is ultimately the most pro-choice thing for women.
{UPDATE: Scratch that. Looks like we'll still have no choice. #komenforthecave}
Post by Destiny
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Why I Have No Other Choice But To Be Pro-Life...
My mother was a sophomore at the University of Texas at Austin when she discovered she was pregnant with me. She was only 19-years-old and quickly found herself single and her world turned upside down. She moved back to Dallas, where through the help and support of family she was able to raise me, but life was not easy. As a single mom she struggled. We struggled. I grew up knowing how much my life had changed hers, and so never once did I take it for granted. It was 1983 and the option of abortion had long since lost its taboo. I knew that I could have easily been aborted and very few people would have blamed her. On the contrary actually.... many would've praised it as the "responsible" thing to do.
We struggled but there was always more than enough love to go around, and while I don't remember my mother ever pounding the pro-life message into my head, I was living proof of her commitment to it. Here and there she would teach me the value of Life and remind me that no matter how bad things got, God had something amazing in store for me... because after all, I was not "unplanned" to Him.
However, even after all I watched my mother grow through while raising me, at 16 I found myself in an almost identical situation. I was pregnant. I was single. And I was scared.
I was never confused though- at least not when it came to abortion. I KNEW that there was a life, just a valuable as my own, inside of me. I cannot begin to tell you what a comfort it was to not have to even consider that option. It truly removed so much of the "crisis" from my crisis pregnancy. Now I had time to actually evaluate all of my other options and figure out what was best for me and this precious child who in 9-months I was going to be giving birth to no matter what.
For the first 6 months I explored my true options extensively. Was I going to place this baby for adoption, or would the Lord allow me to parent Him? Through much repentance and prayer I decided to raise my son.
It was not easy. And suddenly I found myself in a very grown up world, with a lot of very grown up pressures. Now, because I had a child already, I sometimes made the dire mistake of seeing myself as society saw me- as used goods. And unfortunately, I allowed men to treat me as such. I wanted to be loved and to give my son a normal life and a family, but instead I began allowing the very sin that had caused my crisis pregnancy back into my life. I tell you this because I think many of us have a tendency to look at the woman who has three or four children all by different fathers and think, "What's wrong with you? What part of this aren't you getting?" When in actuality, they have merely gotten trapped in a vicious cycle of compromising who God made them to be and bending to the world's version of normal... all because they desperately want to feel loved and accepted. And in this day and age, we are told that allowing ourselves to be treated as a commodity is the quickest way to get that- even if we are not single mothers (yet). Women today have been sold a bill of goods and because of that evil, evil lie we are in perilous bondage. The exploitation of our bodies and self worth is what leads to the "crisis" of unplanned pregnancy and this oppression must stop if we want to see society change.
By the grace of God and the grace of God only, I did not experience any subsequent pregnancies through my promiscuity, but I know I very, very easily could have.
Three years later, the Lord brought a wonderful man into my life, who ended up becoming my husband and an amazing father to my son. It was so overwhelming to know that even after all of the poor choices I had made, the Lord never quit pursuing my heart and never stopped trying to get me back on track. God is good. God is SO good.
Pictured: My mother and me on my wedding day.
However, my journey of refinement didn't stop there. A year into our marriage, my husband and I were elated to learn that we were pregnant with a little girl, but the excitement of that moment was short lived. Within seconds of discovering her gender, the sonographer also noticed a spot on her heart. While many people can have this spot, all children with Downs Syndrome do have this spot. My doctor had offered me a blood test a few months prior which would have possibly been able to diagnose Down Syndrome, but to his dismay I turned it down since I knew that no diagnose was going to change my commitment to the little life inside my womb. But because of this, he was constantly reminding me that there was a chance my daughter would have it. Through that pregnancy though, God allowed a really cool thing to husband and I began to realized what a blessing this child would be no matter what. She was fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image. And through declining further testing, my husband and I were able to grow together in our respect for life and our faith in the Lord.
In May of 2006 our daughter was born. She did not have Down syndrome, but I can honestly say that the second the doctor put her in my arms that diagnoses was the furthest thing from my mind. She was perfect no matter what, and her life was of great value no matter what.
I look back and realize how the world could have easily justified killing not only myself, but also my two children. We were the “could've, would've and should've's” of abortion. But through knowing the truth, His truth, even in the face of crisis we were all able to receive the greatest blessing of all- the gift of life. We must never underestimate the power of our actions or our words. My mother taught me how to respect life from a very young age and now she has a legacy that will honor her for generations to come.

Pictured: My blessings.
We struggled but there was always more than enough love to go around, and while I don't remember my mother ever pounding the pro-life message into my head, I was living proof of her commitment to it. Here and there she would teach me the value of Life and remind me that no matter how bad things got, God had something amazing in store for me... because after all, I was not "unplanned" to Him.
However, even after all I watched my mother grow through while raising me, at 16 I found myself in an almost identical situation. I was pregnant. I was single. And I was scared.
I was never confused though- at least not when it came to abortion. I KNEW that there was a life, just a valuable as my own, inside of me. I cannot begin to tell you what a comfort it was to not have to even consider that option. It truly removed so much of the "crisis" from my crisis pregnancy. Now I had time to actually evaluate all of my other options and figure out what was best for me and this precious child who in 9-months I was going to be giving birth to no matter what.
For the first 6 months I explored my true options extensively. Was I going to place this baby for adoption, or would the Lord allow me to parent Him? Through much repentance and prayer I decided to raise my son.
It was not easy. And suddenly I found myself in a very grown up world, with a lot of very grown up pressures. Now, because I had a child already, I sometimes made the dire mistake of seeing myself as society saw me- as used goods. And unfortunately, I allowed men to treat me as such. I wanted to be loved and to give my son a normal life and a family, but instead I began allowing the very sin that had caused my crisis pregnancy back into my life. I tell you this because I think many of us have a tendency to look at the woman who has three or four children all by different fathers and think, "What's wrong with you? What part of this aren't you getting?" When in actuality, they have merely gotten trapped in a vicious cycle of compromising who God made them to be and bending to the world's version of normal... all because they desperately want to feel loved and accepted. And in this day and age, we are told that allowing ourselves to be treated as a commodity is the quickest way to get that- even if we are not single mothers (yet). Women today have been sold a bill of goods and because of that evil, evil lie we are in perilous bondage. The exploitation of our bodies and self worth is what leads to the "crisis" of unplanned pregnancy and this oppression must stop if we want to see society change.
By the grace of God and the grace of God only, I did not experience any subsequent pregnancies through my promiscuity, but I know I very, very easily could have.

Pictured: My mother and me on my wedding day.
However, my journey of refinement didn't stop there. A year into our marriage, my husband and I were elated to learn that we were pregnant with a little girl, but the excitement of that moment was short lived. Within seconds of discovering her gender, the sonographer also noticed a spot on her heart. While many people can have this spot, all children with Downs Syndrome do have this spot. My doctor had offered me a blood test a few months prior which would have possibly been able to diagnose Down Syndrome, but to his dismay I turned it down since I knew that no diagnose was going to change my commitment to the little life inside my womb. But because of this, he was constantly reminding me that there was a chance my daughter would have it. Through that pregnancy though, God allowed a really cool thing to husband and I began to realized what a blessing this child would be no matter what. She was fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image. And through declining further testing, my husband and I were able to grow together in our respect for life and our faith in the Lord.
In May of 2006 our daughter was born. She did not have Down syndrome, but I can honestly say that the second the doctor put her in my arms that diagnoses was the furthest thing from my mind. She was perfect no matter what, and her life was of great value no matter what.
I look back and realize how the world could have easily justified killing not only myself, but also my two children. We were the “could've, would've and should've's” of abortion. But through knowing the truth, His truth, even in the face of crisis we were all able to receive the greatest blessing of all- the gift of life. We must never underestimate the power of our actions or our words. My mother taught me how to respect life from a very young age and now she has a legacy that will honor her for generations to come.

Pictured: My blessings.
Post by Destiny
Monday, January 16, 2012
Pinpointing the problem...
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